Friday, May 31, 2024

Black Dog Mystery

Our Labrador gets a hike nearly every day. We have a trail network out in the back forty and she loves those hikes...she's been doing them since she was a pup. Twice now, since her sixth birthday, she's been embarking on her own hikes out back. She's been staying out there for two hours at a time. When she returns she acts like she doesn't know us and she is shaking. Our guess is that she has encountered the very large Black Bear that patrols our neighborhood at night. She's not a barker and she is not aggressive so we are never alerted to her situation. We keep hiking up the same trail in the morning and she is very busy sniffing out the trespasser and she stays right by my side. Two days later she is back to leading me out on the hike as if she didn't expect any sort of encounter. So we have gone back to using the Orange Collar. When we call her we beep her, no electric shock just a signal that we want her back here. She certainly keeps us busy...daily walks, daily lake or river swims and constantly asking us to fling a ball or toss a stick. No peace for the weary. Twenty years with Labs, we are well trained.

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Business Report...The Challenging Twenties

Beginning with 2020 we were presented with some high hurdles. Covid started cranking in March and April, which is usually the Spring Rush period for the bike shop, even May was eerily quiet. Good thing I only ordered 24 new bicycles and 20 new kayaks that February. On June 3, 2020 our local doctor called us into her office to inform us that Lisa's recent Xray and CatScan revealed that she had lung cancer. Several visits to the UC Davis Medical Center later she had her tumor and half of her left lung removed. This began a three and a half year dance with various forms of chemotherapy. At the bicycle shop, supply chain problems began in 2021...we couldn't get product, we scambled to find new bikes. Kayaks, even though made in the USA, were not easily available because the raw polyethylene pellets that Hobie used were sourced out of Asia. Supplied from China and Korea this raw material was subject to new tariffs laid down by the Trump administration which turned off the Asian faucets of material goods. The Summer of '21 saw a blowtorch of forest fires rip through our county, mainly the Dixie Fire... resulting in a seven week mandatory evacuation cutting our season of outdoor recreation sales in exactly half. Nearly a million acres of scorched wasteland replaced our beautiful forest therefore eliminating our incredible playground of bicycling/hiking turf, turning most of the green to ashes. My free-to-the-public maps and trail ideas were made obsolete during this seven week disaster. Visitation numbers have remained at only a fraction of what they were during our first twenty five years of business. We are climbing out of this charcoal-colored hole with a whole new appreciation for the vast new views of the Cascade high country and much quieter cycling roads. 2022 featured a discovery that I had a large tumor in my colon that had to be surgically removed along with a foot of large intestine at the end of that Summer. As of March 13, 2024 we are done with chemotherapies and are feeling like returning to our adventure-filled lives afoot and in the saddle. Locals and "second-homers" seem to be making a special effort to support local small merchants instead of buying everything from Amazon and regional big citys. There is hope and we are learning to survive on less income and insisting on working less hours. Each day is a gift so, go out and play more and worry less.