Saturday, December 28, 2024

New Leaf...New Atitude

I'm not sure why I have been so worried about politics in America these last ten years. I am not an influencer. I'm not even an activist. I am just an opinionated onlooker. I think most government programs are wonderful. Starting with paved streets and operable sewer systems. I appreciate law enforcement, fire fighters and mental health counselors. My Social Security check is a huge help because I like to spend money on healthy food and petrol. Sure I have my preferences when it comes to politicians...I prefer that they are honest and set excellent examples of behavoir that our children can emulate as they become upstanding and powerful adults. Well, there you go...this is one big reason to be concerned with politics...example setting! Still, I love that there is a Medicare program and educational opportunities for all Americans. I believe in honor and honesty and kind of expect that in those who seek power over the rest of us. So, there's only so much I can control here...I'll just keep setting my own good example and continue treating the people around me like they are by 'The Golden Rule'.

Friday, December 20, 2024

Trumpery...Look It Up

Apparently this is what we deserve... America and the World. And where it will stop, nobody knows. Hitler made the same kind of comeback in the 1930's...even after being jailed by his countrymen in the twenties. White Nationalism was the order of the day. The "impure bloods" were deported, incarcerated and disposed of. So ninety years later, here we go. We americans are better educated than any society had ever imagined. It didn't matter, we are sliding down the same dirty laundry chute that we were sufficiently warned about over and over again. So, do we hunker-down and say that "we told you so" following every bonehead proclamation and legislation that clobbers our liberal democratic system of government or, do we resist and insist on our humanitarian values and sympathetic responses to the less fortunate among us? As I have said for eight years or longer...Trumpery...Look it up.

Saturday, December 7, 2024

It Doesn't Take Much For Me To Have A Successful Day

It starts with getting out of bed and going vertical. I make my way down the stairs avoiding piles of folded laundry. I feel with my toes for dog toys and balls, to the first light switch and furnace thermostat. I find a sweatshirt and pajama bottoms and move over to the coffee pot. So far, a successful morning. After grinding and brewing some dark roast, I choose a cup for the day...after coffee I'll use the same cup for a mouth cleansing serving of chai tea. The dog needs to be let out and I need to ingest six tablespoons of yogurt, for microbiome gut health. I'm on my way to a very successful day. The dog and I embark on a walk outback, which can be anywhere from one half mile to three miles depending on conditions and time available. Dog poops twice and pees at least three times, I pee once or twice depending on my morning coffee consumption...usually two cups. Lisa makes the hike with us at least one day a week but she'd usually rather stay warm at home and practice her Yoga followed by vacuuming, or vice versa. This is our typical successful morning.