Sunday, May 31, 2015

Last Chance ...64

        This is my last chance to post a few paragraphs in May. It's also my last chance to post a little ditty as a 64 year old.        I admit it, I love going to job is not like's a labor of love and fascination with the bicycle and people who bicycle. I can make most of them happy, in fact, very happy. If my customers are happy, they are working on being healthy and this makes me happy...a compounding/ perpetual feedback loop. It's almost embarrassing how good our life is...not by chance, we've worked at this and I realize we have made excellent decisions at certain junctions...but, there is a small factor of luck.
         Next May we are going to host a "Celebration of Good Fortune" marking Lisa and my 40th year as together and spreading the Love.  The "huggers", as one of our older Chico friends described us. How many more hugs do you get to many more hugs are you going to receive? We lose friends to accidents and disease when we are young but, we lose long-term buddies when were older...a constant reminder that this whole arrangement is temporary and that we should be busily Celebrating The Temporary.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not a believer in the temporary, as you may well know, Chuck. We are on this earth for only a short time, and an eternity of hugs awaits us, if we choose to grasp it. Remember the song that says ... "Where o where has my baby gone?.... " ...but just being "good" isn't the key to seeing the lost loved one again. I believe in hugs forever down the good ole bike trail.... Lets roll......
