Friday, December 16, 2022

More Doing...Less Saying

I thought this would be the year of serious blogging for me, Nope. More doing...less saying. We keep coming up with new health hurdles. This was the 'Year of Chuck's Colon Tumor." Hurdle crossed. Part of my recovery after surgery was to do no lifting, pushing or pulling. So, that meant much less time at the bicycle shop building and working on bikes, much less time lifting and loading kayaks. We recreated softly by taking our Transit van to quiet locations where we could hike, read and play with the dog. Due to Lisa's ongoing chemotherapy we are seriously trying to avoid any virus exposures. Yes, we still wear our masks around strangers and we avoid crowds, for any reason. An average of 2,000 Americans are dying each and every week, even here in the last month of December 2022. Over one million Americans have died from this nasty virus in the last three years...and it's not the only bug out there that's trying to infect us and do us in. I don't mind behaving like a hermit, an antisocial paranoid man in his seventies. Attending baseball games, partys and concerts is way over-rated...made for some great memories but, enough. The entertainment industry gets no more of my hard-earned cash. I'm savoring these last years with my best friend and our happy Labrador and occasional visits with our vaccinated family.

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