Thursday, August 29, 2024

Nearly 50 Years ...A Symbiotic Relationship.

My best times almost always include my amazing wife Lisa Jo. We are in our 49th year of play and companionship. She always looks out for my best interests and I for hers. We are a team, we have created so much together...a story, a home, a child, a business, dreams and follow-thru. Our travels include spectacular settings and cicumstances, and quite a bit of skinny-dipping. We look for outstanding natural settings and we revel in the breezes and the birdsongs. Not always on the exact same wave-length, we listen to each other and find the common ground. We work at understanding our differences. Best Times happen in our local National Park, in France or in Italy or in Utah or just when were riding our bicycles in the neighborhood. We have developed parallel interests.We are not museum gawkers, we don't trust restaurants, we don't choose locations where we are required to wait in lines. We love the 'outback', the wide open spaces. We are so fortunate to have each other and an almost perfect symbiosis. The realization that we have had a great run and that it cannot go on forever has hit us hard here in the 2020's. Cancer diagnosis' and surgeries for each of us in the last four years have reminded us that this life is finite. We seem to be losing friends every month now to unexpected tragedies and surprising health complications...reminding us once again that Each Day is a Gift...a precious Gift.

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