Thursday, September 12, 2024

9/11 Gives Me Reason To Pause and Pray

We were on a City bus, in Paris. An American lady with two children in tow, grabs my arm, "Have you heard? New york City and The White House and The Pentagon have been attacked by terrorists." I pulled my arm away. This lady was obviously disturbed. The kids looked healthy, well fed and obediant. We departed at the Eiffel Tower...and stood in line for the tour...people were buzzing, "Bush...Pentagon." I started to wonder. I said to our son Colby, "let's go over here and sit in this little park." He threw a small tantrum..."No, I've always wanted to go up the Eiffel Tower!". "Ok, our turn is up, let's get on." We rose up to the observation deck. "I want to go higher." The man in the uniform said, "No, we are not going all the way to the top today." We returned to the concrete plaza at ground level and another man said, in English, "We need to clear the plaza here, we are closing for the day." It was getting to be late afternoon so I said, "Let's go get something to eat." We walked down the Left Bank to the bridge over to Notre Dame Cathedral. Lisa said, "Let's go look inside." A pastor met us at the door asking if we were there to pray. Non. "No tours today." Obviously many had showed up to pray, the church was busy with true believers. We strolled back to the train/subway platform and rode a crowded car back to the airport where we had rented a room. A crowd had gathered in the lobby and were intently staring at the huge wall-sized TV monitor. It appeared that a disaster movie was playing...a jet plane crashed into a large sktscraper in New York City.

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